What is EUROSEC?
The module ‘European Security: Theories, Institutions, Issues’ (EUROSEC) is funded by the European Union as a Jean Monnet module for the following three years starting in 2016 with a total budget of €12,332. This module is be available both in the undergraduate and post-graduate curricula of the Department of International Relations. It brings together five scholars from three universities and aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of recent issues, challenges and institutions of the post-Cold War European security order. The Jean Monnet module covers a wide range of issues including the roles played by the crucial institutions of the contemporary European security order; the potentials and limitations of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy; a range of specific contemporary issues (immigration and the large-scale movement of refugees to Europe, environmental degradation and energy security); the major security concerns in the EU’s immediate neighbourhood including the post-Soviet space and Russia, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and the security dimensions of Turkish-EU relations. Throughout the module, teaching is enhanced by extracurricular activities including roundtable debates bringing together policy-makers at national and international level and senior researchers to discuss the security dimension of Turkey-EU relations, the pressing issues of European security, and seminars on study/scholarship opportunities in Europe and career prospects for young graduates in sectors of policy-making and in civil society.
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