The deadline for applications of Jean Monnet scholarships is 4th December 2018. You can access the relevant information here:
The module ‘European Security: Theories, Institutions, Issues’ (EUROSEC) is funded by the European Union as a Jean Monnet module at the Department of International Relations in Altınbaş University, Turkey, from 2016 to 2019 with a total budget of €12,332.
22 Kasım 2018 Perşembe
13 Kasım 2018 Salı
Library on European Security and the European Union
Aydin-Duzgit S. & Tocci N. (2015) Turkey and the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-133.
Buzan, B. et al. (1998), Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner.
Biscop, S. and Whitman, R. (2013) The Routledge Handbook of European Security, Routledge.
Breuer, F. and Kurowska, X. (2011) (eds), Explaining European Security and Defence Policy: Theory in Action, Palgrave Macmillan.
Cottey, A. (2013) Security in 21st Century Europe, Palgrave.
Duke, S. (2000), The Elusive Quest for European Security London: Macmillan.
Gänzle S. and Sens, A. (eds) (2007) The Changing Politics of European Security: Europe Alone? (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
Geddes, A. (2015) Governing migration from a distance: interactions between climate, migration, and security in the South Mediterranean, European Security, 24(3), pp. 473-490.
Ginsberg, Roy H. (2012) The European Union in global security; The politics of impact (Basingstoke: Palgrave)
Howorth, J (2014) Security and Defence Policy in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan.
Kaunert, C. and Zwolski, K. (2013) The European Union as a Global Security Actor: A Comprehensive Analysis beyond CFSP and JHA. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kavalski, Emilian (2008) Extending the European Security Community; constructing peace in the Balkans(Basingstoke: Palgrave).
Krause, Keith & Michael C. Williams (eds) (1997), Critical Security Studies: Concepts and Cases, UCL Press.
Marsh, S. And Rees, W. (2012) The European Union in security of Europe: from Cold War to Terror War, Abingdon: Routledge.
Merand, F (2008) European Defence Policy: Beyond the National States, Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Merlingen, M. (2011) EU Security Policy. What it is? How it works? Why it matters?, Lynne Rienner, Boulder.
Schroeder, Ursula C. (2011) The Organization of European Security: internal and external security in transition(Abingdon: Routledge)
Sheehan, M. (2005), International Security: An Analytical Survey London: Lynne Rienner.
Terriff, Terry, et al. (1999), Security Studies Today, Polity Press.
Wagnsson, Charlotte, James A. Sperling and Jan Hallenberg (eds) (2009) European Security Governance: the European Union in a Westphalian world (Abingdon: Routledge)
Zwolski, K. (2012) ‘The EU as an International Security Actor after Lisbon: Finally a Green Light for a Holistic Approach?’, Cooperation and Conflict, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 68-87.
Special issue: Theorising the European Union as an International Security Provider: Actors, Processes, Outcomes and Impact, Global Society, 29(2), 2015.
What Does the Module Cover?
European Security: Theories, Institutions, Issues is designed to provide students with a master’s level understanding of recent issues, challenges and institutions of the post-Cold War European security order. It examines both mainstream and critical approaches to security and explores how helpful they are to understand simultaneous, multifaceted and diverse challenges to peace and security in the European Union and in its wider neighbourhood.
In this respect, after discussing the concepts of security and Europe, the course first presents a critical overview of the history of European security from World War II up to the present time. The course will then examine traditional and critical approaches to international security by particularly focusing on their analyses on the conventional and new risks and threats shaping the post-Cold War European security order. Having provided students with an evaluation of different theoretical approaches to European security, the course then applies these insights in order to better understand:
1. the roles played by the crucial institutions of the contemporary European security order (NATO) OSCE, European Defence Agency (EDA) and the EU.
2. the potentials and limitations of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence policy.
3. a range of specific contemporary issues (immigration and the large-scale movement of refugees to Europe, environmental degradation and energy security) in relation to the major security concerns in the EU’s immediate neighborhood including Russia, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions;
4. the historical evolution and the current issues of the security relations between Turkey and the EU-Europe.
Who is Jean Monnet?
Jean Monnet: "Father" of the European Union
Jean Monnet (1888-1979) was born into a small brandy-producing family in Cognac. He left school at 16, and after a period gaining experience of financial affairs in London, he worked for the family business, travelling widely.
In 1915, Jean Monnet was declared unfit for military service, and spent the war instead in the civil service. He rose rapidly to the position of representative of the French government in London.
After the war, Jean Monnet was appointed deputy secretary-general of the League of Nations, but returned to private life when the family firm got into difficulties in 1922. He subsequently became an investment banker and financier.
In the Second World War, Jean Monnet worked first for the British government in Washington, then for Charles de Gaulle in Algiers. He was instrumental in preventing the British and Americans from replacing de Gaulle, who in 1946 appointed him as head of the Commissariat du Plan (French Economic Planning Commission).
Jean Monnet devised both the Schuman Plan and the Pleven Plan for a European Defence Community.
Jean Monnet was the first President of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community between 1952 and 1955. Following the defeat of the proposed European Defence Community in the French National Assembly, he resigned from the High Authority to e free to promote further schemes for European integration, setting up the Action Committee for the United States of Europe.
Who is in EUROSEC?
Esra Kaliber (module assistant)
Esra Kaliber in an instructor in the Department of International Relations at Altınbaş University. Previously she worked in Okan University and Istanbul Bilgi University in Turkey. She holds a B.A in Translation and Interpreting from Bilkent University, Turkey and an M.A in International Studies (European Integration) from the University of Birmingham, UK. Esra Kaliber acts as the general assistant of the project, liaises with the Project and Research Support Office of to manage the project’s finances, manage the extra-curricular activities of the project and update the website of the module.
Who is in EUROSEC?
Associate Professor Alper Kaliber (module coordinator)
He is an associate professor in the Department of International Relations at Altınbaş University since 2014. He previously worked as a Marie Curie research fellow at European Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University and conducted the research project ‘Europeanisation of Public Debates and Civil Society in Turkey’ (EUROCIV) funded by the Career Integration Grant. Dr. Kaliber served as a research fellow at University of Birmingham conducting his project ‘De-securitizing Foreign Policy Unpacking the Impact of Europeanization: The Cyprus Case’, funded under the European Common Foreign and Security Policy Studies. He worked as a consultant and researcher in the SHUR project ‘Human Rights in Conflicts: The Role of Civil Society’ in the 6th Framework Programme. His areas of interest include Turkey-EU relations, Europeanisation, European security, critical security studies, the Cyprus conflict and the post-Cold War Turkish foreign policy. Dr. Kaliber received several awards including the Young Scientist Award from Turkey’s Science Academy in 2014. His articles have been published in various internationally standing journals including International Relations, Security Dialogue and South European Society and Politics.
What is EUROSEC?
The module ‘European Security: Theories, Institutions, Issues’ (EUROSEC) is funded by the European Union as a Jean Monnet module for the following three years starting in 2016 with a total budget of €12,332. This module is be available both in the undergraduate and post-graduate curricula of the Department of International Relations. It brings together five scholars from three universities and aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of recent issues, challenges and institutions of the post-Cold War European security order. The Jean Monnet module covers a wide range of issues including the roles played by the crucial institutions of the contemporary European security order; the potentials and limitations of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy; a range of specific contemporary issues (immigration and the large-scale movement of refugees to Europe, environmental degradation and energy security); the major security concerns in the EU’s immediate neighbourhood including the post-Soviet space and Russia, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and the security dimensions of Turkish-EU relations. Throughout the module, teaching is enhanced by extracurricular activities including roundtable debates bringing together policy-makers at national and international level and senior researchers to discuss the security dimension of Turkey-EU relations, the pressing issues of European security, and seminars on study/scholarship opportunities in Europe and career prospects for young graduates in sectors of policy-making and in civil society.
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